Maximising Your Sales with Correct Category Placement
Increase in Category Limits: The number of categories a product can be added to has increased from 3 to 5.
Properly categorising your products is crucial for visibility and sales. To ensure customers can easily find your items, follow these guidelines for using the correct categories in your seller store:
Primary Category: Start by placing your product in the most relevant primary category. For example, if you are selling a piece of art, it should go into the "Art" category.
Subcategories: Utilise subcategories to further specify your product. For an original painting, you could include it in "Original Painting" and more specific subcategories like "Nature and Landscape Original Paintings" if it fits that theme.
Additional Categories: Think about other relevant categories that describe your product. If your artwork makes a great gift, also add it to the "Gifts" category.
Relevance is Key: Ensure each category you choose is appropriate. A painting of an apple should not be placed in the "Food & Drink" category. Instead, it could fit into categories like "Modern & Abstract Original Painting".
By thoughtfully selecting categories, you increase the chances of your products being discovered by the right customers. Remember, accurate categorisation leads to better search results and happier buyers!