May 08, 2020

New Nationwide Campaign

New Nationwide Campaign


The Irish craft and design industry is a significant contributor to regional economies. Last week, on the 29th July, the Design and Craft Council of Ireland (DCCI) launched a nationwide campaign to encourage and boost revenue for local retailers and makers.

The #MADELOCAL campaign was officially launched by Amy Huberman and An Tanaiste, Leo Varadkar and Market Street are delighted to be part of it!

So, if you have been seeing the above blue tile across your social media feeds and in stores, it’s to inspire you to support local businesses when you’re on your staycation this year! The Made Local campaign aims to remind consumers of the high-quality, unique products available from Irish makers and designers across the country. has over 140 registered sellers from across the island of Ireland, specialising in unique and personalised handcrafts.

Pic: Leon Farrell/Photocall Ireland

Announcing the launch of the campaign, An Tánaiste and Minister for Trade, Enterprise and Employment, Leo Varadkar TD, said: 

“Ireland is renowned for its exceptionally talented designers and craftspeople who create beautiful work which is exported around the world. These makers and the retailers make a significant contribution to the Irish economy and provide sustainable employment. The Government’s July Jobs Stimulus will help businesses to reopen and rehire or retain staff, through an enhanced Restart Grant and an extension to the wage subsidy scheme. We can all play our part; by backing the Made Local campaign, we can help our vibrant Irish design and craft sector to return to prosperity and growth.” 

Commenting on the Made Local campaign, Actor and Writer Amy Huberman, said, 

“I am so delighted to support the Made Local campaign. Following a very difficult few months due to COVID-19, it is important to make a conscious effort to help local craft businesses in Ireland. Our country is full of some of the most talented designers and craftspeople in the world and we are so lucky to have such beautiful produce right here on this island. We would like to encourage consumers to think before they shop and give our local makers a chance to thrive over the coming months.” 

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Suzette from The Farrow Collection

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