Personalised First Birthday Card

Personalised First Birthday Card
Share it with friends and family...


A babies first birthday is such a big milestone. Get a personalised card with their name to make it extra special & unique.

Irish designed greeting card for babies first birthday.

View more greeting cards and prints by Lilly & Bright.


This card is A6 (105 × 148 mm) and is printed on recycled card and a recycled kraft envelope.


The card is blank inside for your personal message.
Each card comes in a protective biodegradable cello sleeve.


Shipping Countries: Ireland, United Kingdom (UK)

Ready to ship in 3-5 business days from Ireland


Shipping Policy

You will be notified as soon as your order has been dispatched by Lilly & Bright, typically within 3-5 working days. Estimated Delivery from date of dispatch: Within Ireland: 1-4 days . To UK: 2-5 days. Internationally: 5-12 days.


Refund Policy

Personalised or bespoke items are non-cancellable and non-refundable.

Additional information

Weight0.1 kg

Blue, pink
